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Download this file (36.Самадова Д.Х., Зарипова Ш.Т..pdf)Самадова Д.Х., Зарипова Ш.Т.GENRE OF ARTICLE AND ITS TERMS42


Authors: Samadova Dilbar Hasanovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of journalism and theory of translation; Zaripova Shahnoza Tahirovna, candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of information and communication technologies of SEI “KSU named after acad. B.Gafurov" (Tajikistan, Khujand)




The article discusses in detail the forming elements of this analytical genre and the features of its content, as well as its role and place in the journalistic environment. The meaning of the term and the historical context of its origin are highlighted, the views of Russian and Tajik researchers on its genre features are analyzed and evaluated. Based on a comparative analysis, it was established that the article has a new style and is not widespread today, but its origin is connected with the activities of the first Tajik newspaper “Sacred Bukhara”. The further development and change of the article, its content and structural features are analyzed and evaluated based on the materials of a number of Soviet newspapers, and the authors use the possibilities of this genre of journalism is illustrated by examples. Recognizing and evaluating types of articles, the author took into account the content and structural features of the genre and noted three types of journalistic articles - research, social and critical, and each of them commented, based on the activities of some publications and journalists. The main methods for recognizing and categorizing articles by types are criteria for methodological inclusion and decoration of topics and questions. Other factors, including the author’s sufficient knowledge of the topic, freedom of position, reliability and sincerity in the profession, commitment and purity of the word, as well as commitment to ethics, are considered as influential professional factors in the formation and development of this genre


article, journalism, topic, newspaper, magazine, researcher, genre, social