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Abstract in the periodical edition is the source of information about the content of the article and set out research results.

Abstract has the following functions:

  • It makes it possible to establish the basic content of the document, determine its relevance and to decide whether to refer to the full text of the document;
  • Provide information about the document, and eliminates the need to read the full text of the document if the document is of minor interest to the reader;
  • Used in information system as well as in automated for searching of documents and information.

Abstracts for article should be:

  • informative (not contain common words);
  •  original;
  • content (reflecting the main content of articles and studies);
  • structured (follow the logic description of the results in the article);
  • Compact (stowed in a volume of 100 to 250 words).

Abstract includes the following aspects of the content of the article:

  • subject, the purpose of work;
  • method or methodology of work;
  • results;
  • the scope of the results;
  • conclusions.

The sequence of presentation content of the article can be changed, starting with the presentation of the results and conclusions.

The subject, the topic, the purpose of the work specified in the event that they are not clear from the title of the article. The results describe very accurately and informatively. This preference is a new long-term results and data values, important discoveries, findings that refute existing theories and data that, according to the author, are of practical importance.

Conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, estimates, suggestions, hypotheses, described in the article.

If the historical information do not constitute the main content of a document in the summary a description of previously published works and well-known position are not given.

In the text of the annotations should be used syntactical constructions of the language of scientific works and avoided complex grammatical constructions.  In the text of the annotations should be used significant words from the text.