The review of article order

1. Articles are accepted on a set schedule:

        -  In   № 1 (February) – before January 1 of the current year;

       -  In   №  2 (May) - before March 1 of the current year;

       -  In   № 3 (August) – before June 1 of the current year;

       -  In   № 4 (November) - before September 1 of the current year;

In exceptional cases, in agreement with the editors of the journal, deadline article in the next issue may be extended, but not more than three weeks.

2. Received articles are examined by the Editorial Board within two months.

3. Editorial Board compulsorily send the article for review.

4. The Editorial Board is authorized to carry out the scientific and literary editing of the material received, if necessary, reduce them by agreement with the author of the article, or if the subject of the article is in the interest of the journal, to send the article to the author for revision.

5. The Editorial Board has the right to reject an article that does not meet the requirements, or category of the journal.

6. In the case of rejection  of the submitted article  editorial board gives to author a reasoned conclusion.

7. Authors within 10 business days get notification about the received article. A month after the registration of the article the authors are informed about the results of verification of material by program "Anti-plagiarism", the outcome of the internal review and publication plan of the article.

8. The editorial board gives the author a free copy of the journal containing the published article.