Order of reviewing

The procedure for reviewing articles

1. Received research papers considered by the editorial board "Scientists notes" within a month.

2. Papers received by the editorial board of "Scientists notes" are subject to mandatory review.

3. Stages of review:

1. The first step involves reviewing:

  • An establishment of article compliance to the profile of the journal and subject headings;
  • compliance with applicable requirements for registration;
  • the definition of the scientific style of presentation;
  • availability of statistical data, tables, charts, figures, confirming the results of the study.

2. In accordance with the requirements stated in par. 3.1., the review of the content of the article is performed. Based on the stated theme of research the article routed to a specialist who determines:

  • content of the article stated with the title of the topic;
  •  relevance of the research problem;
  •  scientific novelty of the provisions contained in the article;
  •  theoretical and practical value of the research results.

4. Reviewer within 15 working days submit the review to the editorial board with recommendations on the publication of the article.

5. If it is necessary to amend, the reviewer indicates which corrections and additions need to be made by the author.

6. In the case of negative feedback, the reviewer should provide the author with reasoned grounds for refusal to publish the article.

7. Review issued in hard copy and in electronic form; It must be signed and stamped by the reviewer of the institution at the place of work of the reviewer.

8. The originals are stored in the reviews of the editorial board of the journal "Scientific Notes."

9. The Editorial Board is authorized to carry out the scientific and literary editing of the material received.

10. At the end of the month, the editorial board notifies the author with the results of the review and publication time of the article.

The Editorial Board gives the author a free copy of the journal containing the published article.