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Download this file (19.Ҳамидиён И.И., Саидзода Ш.И..pdf)19.Ҳамидиён И.И., Саидзода Ш.И.GENRE-FORMING ELEMENTS IN YOUTH PROGRAMS ON TV «SAFINA»46


Authors:Hamidiyon Ilhomjon Inomzoda, candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the department of television and radio broadcasting of the faculty of journalism under the Tajik National University, (Tajikistan, Dushanbe), E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Saidzoda Shodonai Ibrohim, post-graduate student of the department of television and radio broadcasting of the faculty of journalism under the Tajik National University (Tajikistan, Dushanbe)




The given article is devoted to a relatively new topic in the domestic journalistic science. Research in the context of this topic has shown that the issue of youth and genre-forming elements still needs additional consideration. From the point of view of the implementation of state policy, serious steps have been taken in this direction, the framework of practical solutions is being programmed and regulated. It follows from the context of the state youth policy that the position of the state in relation to the lives of young people, their physical and mental strength is determined on the basis of the highest principles of humanity and citizenship. TV «Safina» laid the foundation for the deep development of television in the country. Already in the first months of its existence, it presented interesting programs with a characteristic style to the audience. From the analysis of the content of the programs related to our topic, it is also clear that their style and approach were interesting and impressive, which created a special development of programming. It is because of this that they had a lot of fans in the beginning and did not have a worthy opponent. In subsequent years, when several new channels entered the information space, this did not affect the audience of the TV «Safina», but it is clear that its creators are trying to use new programming methods.


Tajikistan, TV “Safina”, genre-forming elements, youth programs, essay, portrait interview, reportage, genre, talk show, genre requirements, specialized programs