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Authors:Tretiakov  Alexander  Maksimovich, post-graduate student  of  the  faculty  of  International  Relations under  Saint  Petersburg  State  University(Russia, Saint-Petersburg)



The article examines the main milestones in the formation of bilateral relations between the Republics of Kazakhstan and Ukraine at the stage of formation of their sovereign statehood after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Time span is limited to the period from December 1992 to December 1999, which includes the presidencies of L. Kravchuk and L. Kuchma, and ended after the start of the second presidential term of L. Kuchma and change of power in Russia which had a huge impact on the international relations in the region and start of the integration process in area after V. Putin becomes a  leader of Russia. The article uses a methodology that combines the analysis of cooperation on the highest political level, in the conditions of an extremely difficult historical period after the collapse of the USSR. An analysis of the main events, the formation of a contractual framework for bilateral relations, and the establishment of the nature of bilateral relations are being carried out. The study aims to study the nature of the formation of bilateral relations, using a comprehensive perspective, considering the traditional channels of foreign policy. The main emphasis in the research process is put in the context of the most difficult historical era and the challenges faced by all the newly established post-Soviet republics that have become independent foreign policy actors. These include Kazakhstan and Ukraine, in particular. As a main conclusion, it seems that a characteristic feature of the formation of bilateral interaction was that it developed along an upward trajectory, becoming more effective over time. During 1991-1999 objective prerequisites for mutually beneficial cooperation have been formed, primarily in the economic sphere. An important role in the formation and development of successful Kazakh-Ukrainian relations was the personal role of the strongmen of the two states: N. Nazarbaev and L. Kuchma. At the same time, it is noted that the main emphasis has been put exclusively on economic ties, without emphasis on the political component of bilateral relations.


Foreign policy, post-Soviet space, collapse of the USSR, bilateral relations Kazakhstan-Ukraine, CIS, interstate relations, formation of bilateral relations, development of bilateral relations