THE ROLE OF RESEARCH IN THE TRANSLATION OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL VOCABULARY (based on the website of the National News Agency of Tajikistan “Khovar”)

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Download this file (Негматова С.М..pdf)Негматова С.М.THE ROLE OF RESEARCH IN THE TRANSLATION OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL VOCABULARY (based on the website of the National News Agency of Tajikistan “Khovar”)38


Authors: Negmatova Surayyo Mirzoergashevna, English language teacher at the State educational institution “Lyceum for gifted students” in the city of Khujand. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





 The article is devoted to the study of ways of translating socio-political vocabulary and terms. The article provides a rationale for the relevance of the study of this topic, for which the author relies on statements from the theoretical literature of Russian and Tajik scientists. A brief description of the features of special texts that use socio-political vocabulary and terms is given. Their features, according to the author, are information load, objectivity, clarity, etc. In the article, using the example of a journalistic text, an analysis is carried out to identify the difficulties of translating a socio-political text; translation difficulties are also identified, the main of which is stylistic, due, first of all, to the fact that some concepts in this area categorically contradict the simple norms of language. The topic devoted to the patterns and criteria of translation of OPL and OPT attracts the attention of scientists in connection with the problem that Tajik society has faced in recent years - the lack of high-quality training of professional translators of special texts, where translators of political texts play a special role.The study of socio-political vocabulary and methods of its translation will allow us to understand not only the picture of the world, but also the state of the world, public consciousness. It is argued that the translation of socio-political texts plays an important role in the development of international contacts and will reveal an important and sometimes specific component characteristic of only one culture. The results of the study of the peculiarities of translating OPL from the Tajik language into Russian and back - from Russian into Tajik contribute to the general and particular theory of translation, to the linguistic development of issues of socio-political translation, as well as to the establishment of optimal, taking into account the era, ways of transmitting language units socially -political topics in journalistic discourse. The materials of this research can be used in the theory and practice of translation, in the development of theoretical courses on socio-political translation and political translation, practical courses on the translation of OPL, special courses and special seminars in universities, in translation activities, when writing coursework and final qualification papers.


fsocio-political vocabulary, terms, special text, political text, translation, information load