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Download this file (10.Мурувватиён Ҷ.Ҷ..pdf)10.Мурувватиён Ҷ.Ҷ.PHENOMENON OF IRONY IN S.AINI`S PROSE46


Authors: Muruvvatiyon Jamila Jamol, Dr. of Philology, chief researcher of the Institute of language and literature named after A.Rudaki under the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (Tajikistan, Dushanbe),




The article expounds the thoughts about irony in the prose of S. Aini, specifically - on the material of his “Memoirs”, for the first time. Irony is considered by the author of the article as a factor revealing the philosophy of Sadriddin Aini's position in life. According to the author of the article, the irony of S. Aini in the literary text reflects the turning points of history, when the old reality collides with the new reality.If in Eastern culture the phenomenon of irony is associated with mockery, criticism, skepticism, denial, then in this article, the author in his analysis relies on the Socratic definition of irony, who considered it a companion of genuine philosophical questioning.The purpose of the work is to comprehend the variety of manifestations of irony in the “Memoirs of Sadriddin Aini.The relevance of this work is seen in the need to comprehend the nature of irony as a multidimensional phenomenon, characterized by the philosophy of the life position of S. Aini.According to the researcher, the main object over which the writer sneers is the representatives of the Khoja estate, their mores, especially their attitude to life and others. The result of the analysis of the stories "Memoirs" showed that Sadriddin Aini used irony as a stylistic device, reflecting his attitude to the old, new, future, in the writer's prose it is extremely diverse, both from the point of view of the author's emotionality and from the point of view of the subject of the image.Thus, the author of the article, with this work, puts forward a hypothesis that the irony in the text of "Memoirs" has a social character, the cause of which is mainly the social absurdity. This opinion gives grounds to assert that the irony in “Memoirs” quite clearly reveals the ideological position of the author of the work.


irony, prose, literary criticism, “Memories”, problems of endogamy, craving for education, privileged freedom, ontological aspect of childhood