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Authors: Gaforova Zamira Abdulloevna, Dr. of Philology, head of the department of Civilization of Oriental Countries attached to the Institute of humanitarian sciences under the SEI “KSU named after acad. B.Gafurov” (Tajikistan, Khujand),E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Muhammadtahir Gani Kashmiri, as a prominent representative of the Indian style, made a worthy contribution to its development and dissemination, who took a high place in the Persian-language literature of India in the 17th century. His work played an important role in the whole development of Persian-Tajik literature in general, and in the Persian-language literature of India in particular.Having shown high poetic skill in all genres and forms of poetic creativity, especially the gazal, the poet skillfully and skillfully used the possibilities of the Indian style, artistic and visual means and poetic figures, thereby achieving significant success in updating the theme, creating unusual meanings and enriching the content.The article illustrates poetic excerpts from the litrary heritage of Ghani Kashmiri, which demonstrate the great skill of the poet in using the most important and popular artistic and visual means, and poetic figures, such as tamsilnigory (allegory) (giving an example), iham (duality or amphibology), istiora (metaphor), talmeh (allusion), tashbih (comparison), tashhis (definition), etc.Gani Kashmiri gave these figures more importance, thus providing the prerequisites for their renewal and improvement. His skill in using artistic means, figuratively seeing and reflecting the surrounding reality, confirms the value of the poet's work as an important source for studying the poetics of medieval Persian-Tajik literature.


Muhammadtahir Gani Kashmiri, Persian literature of India, Kashmir literary circle, 17th century, Indian style, tamsil (allegory), ihom (amphibology), talmeh (allusion), tashbih (comparison), istiora (metaphor), tashkhis