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Download this file (16.Мавлонова М.Ҷ., Ҳакимова С.Ҳ..pdf)Мавлонова М.Ч., Хакимова С.Х.SAIDRIZO ALIZODA`S CONTRIBUTION INTO TAJIK PRESS DEVELOPMENT64


Authors:Mavlonova Mutriba Juraevna, candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of the department of modern Tajik literature; Hakimova Surayo Hasansultonovna, candidate of philological sciences, lecturer of the department of journalism and theory of translation under the SEI “KhSU named after acad. B.Gafurov” (Tajikistan, Khujand),




The article under consideration dwells on the issue beset with Saidrizo Alizoda`s contribution into the Tajik press formation and development. A poet, writer, publicist, journalist and talented translator Saidrizo Alizoda made a significant contribution into the improvement of social situation of inhabitants of Bukhara; systematization of the field of both science and education; organization of newspapers and journals; publication of manuals and articles; development of literature and translation of literary productions belonging to the pen of the outstanding foreign men-of-letters appertaining to the first half of the XX-th century. Saidrizo Alizoda began his journalistic career in the trilingual newspaper entitled as «Samarkand» and later on he continued his work in the journal referred to «Oina» and the magazines called as «Shulai Inqilob» and «Ovozi Tojik. The authors of the article make an endeavor to determine Saidrizo Alizoda`s merits as an editor-in-charge for the newspaper under the titled of «The Flame of Revolution». Therefore, the authors consider the materials of two issues 67 and 73 of the newspaper in question received from the press department of State Library named after V.I. Lenin in Moscow, Russian Federation. They underscores that Saidrizo Alizoda had borne the brunt of organizational work, edition of the material, attracting the staff and providing the newspaper until the closure of the newspaper he made every effort to ensure its quality and content entirely. In reference to it, the authors of the article reveals the mentioned publicist`s contribution into the organization and fruitful activity of the newspaper entitled as «Ovozi Tojik». It is underscored that the closure of the newspaper called «The Flame of Revolution» did not stop Saidrizo Alizoda`s journalistic activity, but began a new stage of his fruitful activity. In a nutshell, the author of the article come to the conclusion that Saidrizo Alizoda played an important and irreplaceable role in the formation of Persian-Tajik newspapers and magazines at a very difficult political stage by strong will and ambition indeed. Throughout his short life, he accomplished great and worthy merits those ones the Tajik people are still happy with their fruitful results.


Saidrizo Alizoda, publicist, journal, newspaper, «Shu`lai Inqilob» («The Flame of Revolution»), «Ovozi Tojik» («The Voice of Tajik Nation»), revolutionary ideas, editor-in-charge, enlightener, politico-social situation.