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Download this file (Давлатов М., Турсунов Б.Р..pdf)Давлатов М.,Турсунов Б.Р.DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BETWEEN KOKAND KHANATE WITH THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE53


Authors:Davlatov Mullosho, Dr. of History, Professor; Tursunov Buston Rahmonovich, candidate of historical sciences, Professor of the department home history and archeology under the SEI “KhSU named after acad.B.Gafurov (Tajikistan, Khujand)




The article dwells on the relations between Kokand Khanate with the Ottoman Empire, which were established after Kokand turned from a small possession located in the Ferghana Valley into one of the large states of Central Asia. According to written sources, the first diplomatic relations between the Ottomans and Kokand began at the initiative of Kokand during the reign of Umar Khan (1810-1822) and continued until the end of the 60s of the XIX century. The main diplomatic topics of the parties were political, cultural and military issues. As the analysis of sources shows, the relations of the parties became especially active during the reign of Muhammad Ali Khan (1822-1842). In most cases, the ambassadors of Kokand in Istanbul were received by ministers or the chief minister of the empire, in rare cases - by the emperor himself. It is noted that the Kokand ruler intended to raise his authority in the region, having received the title of "khan of khans" - "khan over all khans" with the help of the caliphs of the Ottoman Empire. With this title, the Kokand khans, according to the analysis, intended to assert their high status, especially in front of the main contender for the championship - Bukhara. It is mentioned that the diplomatic relations of the Ottoman Empire with Kokand were monitored by the intelligence structures of the Russian Embassy in Istanbul, while certain diplomatic structures of Russia not only monitored the course of bilateral relations, but also tried in various ways to prevent the strengthening of these relations. It is emphasized that on this path they used all the levers of pressure, and also attracted diplomats of other states, often Iranian ones, to this activity. It is concluded that, in the end, the diplomats of the Russian Empire achieved their goal: for more than 40 years of relations between the Ottoman Empire and Kokand, the Khanate did not receive any real military assistance, except for promises.


diplomatic relations, Ottoman Empire, Kokand Khanate, Ming dynasty, Umar Khan, Muhammad Ali Khan, Mahmud II, Kokand Ambassador Haji Said Muhammad Kurban Efendi, title "Honlar Khoni" - "Khan by all Khans", history of relations between the Ottoman Empire and Kokand, the latter did not receive any real military assistance other than promises